all-hazards preparedness
There are many hazards that threaten our community, but you can take actions to be better prepared, no matter what happens.
Of all the disaster preparedness measures you can take, the most important might be to build a strong social network. Get to know your neighbors. Exchange names and phone numbers (and favors, and sugar.) Host a block party or a barbecue. Befriend other parents at your child's school; your coworkers; the people from your community, religious, or volunteer groups; other pet people at the dog park; and your local business owners. Volunteer. Practice giving and receiving help. Disaster research shows that most rescues after disasters are performed by ordinary community members, and that social ties are among the most powerful predictors of recovery. Click the red button to learn how you can take things a step further by organizing your neighbors to be better prepared.
Use the MyHazards tool to discover the hazards most likely to affect you in your area (earthquake, flood, fire, and tsunami). Just enter an address or select a location from the map. The tool will display potential hazards and recommended preparedness actions.
The MyHazards website performs best when using Internet Explorer.
Do you know the best way to evacuate your home? Your neighborhood? Your community? Have you and your loved ones discussed how you will contact one another if you are separated in a disaster and/or where you will reunite? Do you have backup copies of important identification, insurance, and medical information? Click "Get Started" to begin to make your plans.
You should be prepared to leave your home quickly in case of an emergency, with enough supplies to take care of yourself and your loved ones for at least 72 hours (3 days). You should also store supplies at home in case you need to shelter in place for an extended period of time. Your home kit should contain enough supplies to sustain your household for up to two weeks. You can build a kit slowly, over the course of 21 weeks using this plan from the Red Cross. Be sure to include the needs of seniors, people with medical or mobility needs, children and pets.
When it comes to preparedness, don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good. If water is all that you can store, store water. You will be grateful tomorrow for any steps you have taken to get ready today.